
What people say about Rolfer Bob Alonzi…

“I have been working with Bob Alonzi since 1987. Over the past 20 years my observations of Bob’s work has grown to great appreciation of his abilities as a Rolfer and healer. He is knowledgeable, professional, and highly skilled in his field. He has a good table side manner with excellent communication skills and talent for working the most difficult and complicated cases. Bob has insight and sensitivity to listen closely to a client, and develop a successful treatment plan, along with empowering the individual through education and a self care program. I consider Bob one of the most skilled Rolfers in the Los Angeles area.”

Karlis Ullis, M.D.
Sports Medicine and Anti Aging Medical Group

“I have known and worked with Bob Alonzi for over 15 years. I have found his work as a Rolfer to be exceptional. His knowledge of anatomy and how the body works is a great asset. His work is gentle yet effective. I have referred many patients to him including my husband and have gone to him myself. I beleive the therapeutic relationship is also important and Bob brings a lot to the table in terms of nurturing, compassion and insight.”

Elisa S. Lottor, Ph.D., N.D.
Pacifica Women’s Health

“I have been working with Bob Alonzi for many years and have received great benefit from both knowing him, teaching together and having Rolfing treatments. I have been using a wheelchair for a long time due to a spinal cord injury from a car accident. Bob is a very skilled practitioner – his gentle yet profound techniques have done a lot to keep me out of muscular spasms, pain and compression. He has also helped me to lenghten through my body, ground and integrate healing energy. He is able to skillfully address issues on many levels, including working with trauma, and the emotions that are part of a healing process. He is a sensitive and compassionate healer.”

Barbara Mindell
Continuum Teacher, Artist and Writer

“After many failed attempts at doctors trying to diagnose my inability to perform, including back surgery and numerous, expensive nerve scans and tests, I came to Bob Alonzi for answers – and found the answer – Rolfing! It is the simplest solution to structural reeducation. It gets me firing on all eight cylinders and running smooth and fluid. I wish I had come to Bob years ago.”

Ken Wilson
Professional Rock Drummer/Muisician

“I am 63 years old and have been doing Advanced Rolfing with Bob Alonzi on and off for 14 years and our work has seen me through several physical, mental and emotional crises. I know I have greater health, peace of mind and physical flexibility, plus stamina, largely because Bob and I have done Rolfing work together, which has proven to be invaluable to me. I find Bob to be a genuine master as he is always an interested and passionate student of both his work and his life.”

Alice Kint
Home Health Care, Tango Dancer, Racquetball Player