Rolfing vs Massage Therapy. What Are Rolfing Massage Benefits

Is Massage Therapy Not Cutting It? You May be Looking for Relief in the Wrong Place

Massage therapy has long been popular as a stress-relieving tool, as well as a tool for injury recovery. In fact, massage therapy has become quite mainstream, and we now see chains of studios cropping up in strip centers across the nation. While people flock to enjoy the benefits of massage, some emerge disappointed that their experience did not seem to correct that sense of tightness or imbalance in their bodies. If you’ve been using massage therapy yet still feel like it’s not really working for you, you may be using the wrong type of treatment. Rolfing® massage may actually better target the issues in your body. What exactly is this, and how can you compare Rolfing versus massage therapy? Certified Advanced Rolfer® Bob Alonzi is here to help.

Massage therapy targets your muscles, and seeks to relieve tension in them. Rolfing, on the other hand, targets your fascial system which is the vast network of connective tissue that holds together your muscles, bones and organs together.

It triggers your relaxation response while also increasing blood and lymph circulation. This contributes to the feelings of wellness you experience after a massage. Rolfing, on the other hand, targets your fascial system which is the vast network of connective tissue that holds together your muscles, bones and organs together. Your fascia is what helps your body remain in alignment, and contributes to your range of motion and flexibility. Sometimes, you can develop aberrations in your fascial tissue, in which parts become thick and fibrous. This pulls your body out of alignment and creates aches and a feeling of a body out of balance. Rolfing seeks to correct these issues, and Rolfing massage benefits include reduced pain, increased range of motion, improved posture, and an overall feeling of increased vitality.

Because Rolfing uses a deep touch to reach the connective tissue to be effective, many new clients often ask, “Is Rolfing massage painful?”

When performed correctly, Rolfing should never be painful. As a certified practitioner, Bob Alonzi understands that you have plenty of questions, which is why he advises you to contact his office for a consultation 310-451-3250.

Remember that, while massage therapy has its place, it may not provide the ultimate solution to meet your needs. Discover Rolfing and you may just find that total wellness truly is within your reach.

