The treatments for chronic pain are as varied as the causes. From over-the-counter and prescription drugs to acupuncture or injections,…
In addition to Rolfing, there are several supplemental therapy options that Bob Alonzi Certified Advanced Rolfer can provide. These are…
A Certified Advanced Rolfer™ works as a problem solver in facilitating the healing process by addressingposture, breath, movement and structural…
Journal of Clinical InvestigationAccording to research published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, stress can lower your bone mineral density,…
All healing of the human structure begins with a commitment from the client to change - as well as a…
In St. Augustine, the oldest city in the U.S., there's a popular tourist attraction dating back a century that purports…
Are you one of the many who struggle with the feeling that your body is no longer working the way…
The body was designed to move, adapt and change with our environment. According to, “In less than two generations,…
Do you experience a sharp pain in your lower back when you bend over to retrieve the morning paper? Perhaps…
Rolfing, or Structural Integration, is based on the work of Dr. Ida Rolf who believed that there is a natural…