What is Fascia Fitness?

In a Mid-Year Slump? Now is the Time to Recommit to Your Wellness Goals We have reached the mid-point of the year, and for many of us, resolutions have long been forgotten. Despite your best intentions, you let those hopes of better health and wellness fall by the...

How Do You Improve Bad Posture?

How Do You Improve Bad Posture?

The Bad Posture Stigma—How You Can Correct Poor Posture and Regain Personal Wellness Your parents probably fussed at you about your posture as a child and teen. Did you hear, “Sit up straight,” or, “Stand up straight,” on a regular basis? While we all probably...

Are You Struggling With Chronic Pain?

You Can Find True Relief Through Rolfing® When a person suffers chronic pain, they often undergo a difficult journey that sometimes feels endless. They seek out professional help, only to be given prescriptions that are ineffective or have too many side effects....

Rolfing Structural Integration Bodywork

Get Moving and Embrace a Healthier You Despite a growing emphasis on the importance of health and fitness, even the most well-intentioned people may have sedentary lives. From work to home, we spend so much time stationary that it’s taking a toll on our bodies. As...

Commit To Your Personal Wellness Both Inside And Out

This Year, Resolve to Commit To Your Personal Wellness Both Inside and Out Though the holiday season is a time of joy and togetherness, it also marks the end of another year and a time to reflect on what we want for our lives in the future. For many of us, we know...


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