Seven Benefits of Rolfing

Seven Benefits of Rolfing

Rolfing is a soft tissue manipulation and movement education that organizes the whole body in gravity, originally developed by Ida Rolf. Rolfing affects the body’s structure by manipulating the connective tissues. Often considered a deep-tissue approach, rolfing...

What is Fascia Fitness?

In a Mid-Year Slump? Now is the Time to Recommit to Your Wellness Goals We have reached the mid-point of the year, and for many of us, resolutions have long been forgotten. Despite your best intentions, you let those hopes of better health and wellness fall by the...

How Do You Improve Bad Posture?

How Do You Improve Bad Posture?

The Bad Posture Stigma—How You Can Correct Poor Posture and Regain Personal Wellness Your parents probably fussed at you about your posture as a child and teen. Did you hear, “Sit up straight,” or, “Stand up straight,” on a regular basis? While we all probably...


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